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Girl Names Index > Page 2 - Egyptian Names Meanings List

Egyptian Names Meanings List

Searching for great Egyptian Names Meanings Lists?... You have certainly come to the right page! Listed below are dozens of terrific, cute & interesting baby names taken from all over the globe. We at Top 100 Baby Names Search pride ourselves in providing you with a comprehensive baby name website where you can do ALL of your baby name research!...

Listen... Your baby's name is our business, AND we take that very seriously! All of our lists are created with you in mind. You want long, easily accessible baby name lists that have tons of truly special names and meanings on them.

We at Top 100 Baby Names Search have tried very hard to provide you just that... GREAT Egyptian Names Meanings Lists and so much more!...

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M/F Egyptian Names Meanings Meaning of Name Origin
M Iabi weak Egyptian
M Iah god of the moon Egyptian
F Iboni ebony Egyptian
F Icess supreme goddess of magic Egyptian
M Idogbe brother of twins Egyptian
M Ikhnaton he who works for Aton Egyptian
M Imenand the hidden one Egyptian
M Imhotep he comes in peace Egyptian
F Irisi fashioned by Isis Egyptian
M Ishaq laughs Egyptian
F Isis supreme goddess of magic Egyptian
M Jabari brave Egyptian
M Jafari creek Egyptian
M Jahi dignified Egyptian
M Jibade related to royalty Egyptian
M Jumoke loved by all Egyptian
M Kafele would die for Egyptian
F Kakra twin Egyptian
M Kambythet handsome king Egyptian
M Kamenwati dark rebel Egyptian
M Kaphiri hill Egyptian
M Karawan averts the evil eye Egyptian
M Kasiya departs Egyptian
M Keb ancient earth god Egyptian
F Kebi honey Egyptian
M Kek god of darkness Egyptian
M Kemosiri black Osiris Egyptian
F Kepi tempest Egyptian
F Kesi born of a troubled father Egyptian
F Khait crowned Egyptian
M Khaldun immortal Egyptian
M Khalfani shall rule Egyptian
M Khentinmentiu god of death Egyptian
F Khepri morning sun Egyptian
M Khnemu to model Egyptian
M Khons god of the moon Egyptian
F Kifi bosom of a woman Egyptian
F Kissa sister of twins Egyptian
M Kneph spirit Egyptian
M Kontar only son Egyptian
M Kosey lion Egyptian
M Lisimba lion Egyptian
M Luzige locust Egyptian
M Madu of the people Egyptian
F Masika born during rain Egyptian
M Maskini poor Egyptian
M Matsimela root Egyptian
M Mdjai soldier Egyptian
M Menes Horus of the reeds Egyptian
M Menetnashté power Egyptian
F Merit beloved Egyptian
F Mert lover of silence Egyptian
F Mesi water Egyptian
M Meti righteous Egyptian
F Metit righteous Egyptian
M Mhotep peace Egyptian
F Miu gentleness Egyptian
F Miw-sher kitten Egyptian
M Mkhai fight Egyptian
M Mosegi tailor Egyptian
F Moswen white Egyptian
M Moswen light skin Egyptian
M Msrah born sixth Egyptian
F Mucamutara born during the war Egyptian
M Mudada provider Egyptian
F Mukantagara born during war Egyptian
F Mukarramma revered Egyptian
M Mukhwana twin Egyptian
F Muminah pious Egyptian
M Muslim believer Egyptian
F Mut mother Egyptian
F Naeemah benevolent Egyptian
F Nafré goodness Egyptian
F Nafretiri beautiful creation Egyptian
F Nafrini she brings beauty Egyptian
F Nafrit virgin Egyptian
F Nailah successful Egyptian
M Nakhti powerful Egyptian
F Nané nice Egyptian
F Nanu beautiful Egyptian
F Nathifa pure Egyptian
F Naunet goddess of the underworld Egyptian
M Neb-Er-Tcher god of the universe Egyptian
M Nebibi panther Egyptian
F Nebibit leopard Egyptian
F Nebit leopard Egyptian
F Nebthet mistress of the house Egyptian
F Nebt-het lady of the house Egyptian
F Neema born to wealthy parents Egyptian
F Nefertari the most beautiful Egyptian
F Nefertiti the beautiful one has come Egyptian
M Nefertum cultured in Memphis Egyptian
F Nenet born near the sea Egyptian
F Nephthys lady of the house Egyptian
F Netikerty she who is excellent Egyptian
M Nizam disciplined Egyptian
M Nkosi rules Egyptian
M Nkrumah born ninth Egyptian
F Nourbese wonderful Egyptian
F Nubia mother of a nation Egyptian

*Egyptian Names Meanings List - compiled by research & survey

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