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Girl Names Index > Page 3 - Egyptian Meanings of Names

Egyptian Meanings of Names

If you are looking for Great Egyptian Meanings of Names, then look no further!... Discover dozens of our naming lists with loads of variety.

When I was naming my kids I really wanted to find comprehensive lists to compare various name choices... Well, I found a few good names here or there, BUT never could I find all of the great baby names I wanted, all in one location. In answer to that frustration of mine, I have created a comprehensive place where parents-to-be can come to search for great baby names from across the globe.

Your baby's name is our business, AND we take that very seriously! We at Top 100 Baby Names Search have tried very hard to provide you with GREAT Egyptian Meanings of Names & more!... But don't take my word for it.

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M/F Egyptian Meanings of Names Meaning of Name Origin
F Nubit golden lady Egyptian
M Nun god of the ocean Egyptian
F Nuri gypsy woman Egyptian
M Nuri gypsy man Egyptian
M Nuru born during the day Egyptian
M Oba scepter holder; king Egyptian
F Ode from the road Egyptian
M Odji wicked Egyptian
F Odjit wicked Egyptian
M Okpara firstborn Egyptian
F Olufemi beloved of the gods Egyptian
M Omari high born Egyptian
F Omorose beautiful Egyptian
F Oni wanted Egyptian
M Osahar God hears me Egyptian
M Osaze loved by God Egyptian
M Osiris god of the underworld Egyptian
M Ottah born third Egyptian
M Oubstet cat Egyptian
M Panahasi the barbarian Egyptian
F Paniwi the bringer Egyptian
F Panya mouse Egyptian
F Pili born second Egyptian
M Ptah god of art and creation Egyptian
F Qadesh goddess Egyptian
M Quaashie born on Sunday Egyptian
F Quibilah peaceful Egyptian
F Quisa sister of twins Egyptian
F Rabiah born during the spring Egyptian
M Rameses son of Ra Egyptian
F Ramla prophetess Egyptian
F Rashida righteous Egyptian
M Rashidi wise Egyptian
M Rasui dream Egyptian
M Re supreme god of the sun Egyptian
F Rehema compassionate Egyptian
M Remmao rich man Egyptian
M Saa God's nature Egyptian
F Sabah born in the morning Egyptian
M Sabola pepper Egyptian
F Sagira little one Egyptian
F Salama peaceful Egyptian
F Salidji fruit tree Egyptian
F Salihah agreeable Egyptian
F Sanura kitten Egyptian
M Seb God of earth Egyptian
M Sefu sword Egyptian
M Sekani laughs Egyptian
M Semni to establish oneself Egyptian
M Set evil god of Chaos; to dazzle Egyptian
M Seth evil god of Chaos; to dazzle Egyptian
M Sethos prince Egyptian
M Shabaka king Egyptian
F Shai-nefer good luck Egyptian
F Shamisé first born Egyptian
F Shashai necklace Egyptian
F Shashaiti necklace Egyptian
F Shemei desire Egyptian
M Shenti hairy Egyptian
F Shepsit honorable lady Egyptian
F Sheriti little girl; maiden Egyptian
F Shukura grateful Egyptian
M Shushu braggart Egyptian
M Sinuhé son of the sycamore tree Egyptian
M Sokkwi little fool Egyptian
F Subira patient Egyptian
M Sudi lucky Egyptian
F Tabia talented Egyptian
F Tafne goddess of light Egyptian
F Tahirah pristine Egyptian
F Tameri my beloved land Egyptian
F Tanafriti she of the beautiful land Egyptian
M Tau lion Egyptian
M Teremun loved by his father Egyptian
M Thabit strong Egyptian
F Thema queen Egyptian
M Thoth god of magic and science Egyptian
M Thutmose born of Thoth Egyptian
M Tor king Egyptian
M Tsekani closed Egyptian
M Tumaini hope Egyptian
M Tutankhamon image of the life Egyptian
M Ufa flower Egyptian
F Umayma little mother Egyptian
M Umi life Egyptian
M Unika shining Egyptian
M Ur great Egyptian
M Uratum great Egyptian
M Usi smoke Egyptian
M Wakhakwi little fool Egyptian
M Wakhashem little fool Egyptian
M Wamukota left-handed Egyptian
M Wati rebel Egyptian
F Woserit mighty woman Egyptian
M Yahya given by God Egyptian
F Zahra flower Egyptian
M Zahur flower Egyptian
F Zesiro twin Egyptian
M Zuberi strong Egyptian
M Zuka grave; high tomb Egyptian

*Egyptian Meanings of Names - compiled by research & survey

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