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World Names > Page 1 - Vietnamese Baby Names

Vietnamese Baby Names

Terrific list of Vietnamese Baby Names... At Top 100 Baby Names Search we have researched long and hard to provide you with a comprehensive list of baby names.

Listen... I have three children of my own -- and I can distinctly remember what fun it was to pick out their names and discuss them at length (Okay, ARGUE at length...) about them. I also remember feeling a bit concerned that the names were going to stick for life; so I wanted good ones.

We at Top 100 Baby Names Search have tried very hard to provide you just that... Great Vietnamese Baby Names and so much more!... But don't take my word for it. Browse around and decide for yourself. After all this is a very special time in your life!... So enjoy it.

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M/F Vietnamese Baby Names Meaning of Name Origin
F Ai a sentimental love Vietnam.
F Am lunar; female Vietnam.
F An peace; safety Vietnam.
M An peace; safety Vietnam.
M An Dung peaceful hero Vietnam.
F Anh peace; safety Vietnam.
M Ba three; third Vietnam.
M Bao protection Vietnam.
M Bay seventh-born son Vietnam.
F Be doll Vietnam.
M Bianh piece; average Vietnam.
F Bian hidden; secretive Vietnam.
F Bich jade; jewelry Vietnam.
M Binh peaceful Vietnam.
M Buu principle; guide Vietnam.
F Ca the eldest; the first Vietnam.
M Ca the eldest; the first Vietnam.
F Cai feminine Vietnam.
F Cam sweet citrus Vietnam.
F Chau pearls Vietnam.
F Chi tree branch Vietnam.
M Chien fighter; warrior Vietnam.
M Chinh righteousness Vietnam.
M Công skillful; industrious Vietnam.
F Cuc chrysanthemum Vietnam.
M Cuong flourishing; healthy Vietnam.
M Dai great Vietnam.
M Danh famous; prestigious Vietnam.
M Dinh summit Vietnam.
M Dong the east Vietnam.
M Duc moral; good Vietnam.
M Dung brave; heroic Vietnam.
M Duong virile Vietnam.
M Duy moral; only one Vietnam.
M Gia family Vietnam.
F Ha river Vietnam.
M Ha river; ocean Vietnam.
M Hai sea; lion Vietnam.
F Hai two; second Vietnam.
F Hang angel in the full moon Vietnam.
F Hanh beautiful and moral Vietnam.
F Hao good; perfect Vietnam.
M Hao good Vietnam.
M Hiêú respectful attitude Vietnam.
F Hien gentle; quiet Vietnam.
M Hien gentle; quiet Vietnam.
M Hieu respectful Vietnam.
F Hoa flower; peace Vietnam.
M Hoang gold; yellow Vietnam.
M Hoc studious Vietnam.
F Hòng pink rose Vietnam.
F Hue flower Vietnam.
M Hung spirit of hero; brave Vietnam.
F Huong pink rose Vietnam.
M Huu a middle name Vietnam.
M Huy glorious Vietnam.
M Huynh older brother Vietnam.
F Hwa flower Vietnam.
M Hy hopeful Vietnam.
F Hyunh yellow; golden Vietnam.
M Kim gold; metal Vietnam.
F Kim golden Vietnam.
F Kim Cuc golden chrysanthemum Vietnam.
F Kim-ly golden lion Vietnam.
F Lan flower Vietnam.
F Lang sweet potato Vietnam.
M Lành peaceful Vietnam.
M Lap independent Vietnam.
F Le pearl Vietnam.
M Le pearl Vietnam.
F Lien lotus flower Vietnam.
F Linh spring Vietnam.
M Long hair Vietnam.
F Mai flower Vietnam.
M Minh bright Vietnam.
F My pretty Vietnam.
M Nam scrape off Vietnam.
M Ngai herb Vietnam.
M Nghi suspected Vietnam.
M Nghia forever Vietnam.

*Vietnamese Baby Names - compiled by research & survey

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