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You typed.. "Names and Their Meanings" into your browser search box. That means that you want baby names and you want them NOW!... Right?
Well, you're in luck because below is a fantastic list of baby names and meanings... ONE of which is bound to be just the one for your precious one.
Listen, when I was looking for names for my three children I wanted baby names that weren't just the usual. I wanted my kids to stand out -- BUT not be the object of ridicule... So rest assured... At Top 100 Baby Names Search we've have tried very hard to provide you with great baby names and so much more!...
M/F | Baby Names | Names and their Meanings | Origin |
F | Duann | dark-skinned | American |
M | Dubham | black | Irish |
M | Dubric | dark-haired ruler | English |
F | Duchess | wife of the duke | English |
M | Duff | dark | Scottish |
M | Dugan | dark | Irish |
F | Dulana | eminent and superior | Zulu |
F | Dulcie | sweet; agreeable | Latin |
F | Duma | cheetah | Swahili |
M | Dunate | strong mighty one | Greek |
M | Duncan | brown-haired warrior | Scottish |
F | Dunia | life | Arabic |
F | Duniya | earth | Hausa |
M | Dunley | hilly meadow | English |
M | Dunlop | muddy hill | Scottish |
M | Dunn | brown-haired warrior | Scottish |
M | Dunstan | brownstone fortress | English |
M | Dunton | hilly town | English |
M | Duran | enduring | Latin |
M | Durell | king's doorkeeper | Scottish |
M | Duren | enduring one | Dutch |
F | Durga | brave goddess | Hindi |
F | Durven | bold and daring | Dutch |
M | Durward | gatekeeper | English |
F | Duscha | soul; sweetheart | Russian |
F | Dusti | valiant fighter | English |
M | Dustin | valiant fighter | German |
F | Dustin | valiant fighter | German |
M | Dusty | valiant fighter | English |
F | Dutchess | wife of the duke | English |
M | Dux | leader among men | Latin |
M | Duyi | independent wholeness | Chinese |
M | Dwayne | dark | Irish |
F | Dyala | kindness | Hindi |
F | Dyana | divine | Latin |
M | Dyer | fabric dyer | English |
F | Dylann | sea | Welsh |
M | Dylan | of the sea | Welsh |
F | Dylana | of the sea | Welsh |
F | Dymond | precious gem | Latin |
F | Dynasty | powerful ruler | Latin |
F | Dyrka | worthy of worship | Swedish |
M | Dyson | son of Dennis | English |
F | Dzidzo | happiness; bliss | African |
F | Eadmund | prosperous protector | English |
M | Eagan | very mighty | Irish |
M | Eamon | guardian of the riches | Irish |
M | Ean | God is gracious | English |
F | Eanna | house of God | Hebrew |
M | Earl | pledge; nobleman | Irish |
F | Earlene | noble warrior woman | English |
F | Earna | eagle | English |
M | Earnest | earnest; sincere | English |
F | Earnestina | earnest; sincere | English |
F | Eartha | earthy | English |
F | Earwyn | friend from the sea | English |
F | Easter | pagan goddess of Spring Equinox | English |
M | Easton | eastern town | English |
F | Eavan | fair | Irish |
M | Eb | foundation stone | Hebrew |
M | Ebenezer | foundation stone | Hebrew |
F | Eber | wild boar | German |
M | Ebo | born on Tuesday | Fante |
F | Eboney | rich and dark wood | Greek |
F | Ebrill | born in April | Welsh |
M | Ebronah | passage; heaven | Hebrew |
F | Echidna | a wild boar | Egyptian |
M | Ecio | possessor of great strength | Latin |
M | Edan | fire | Scottish |
F | Edanna | Eda + Anna | American |
M | Eddie / Eddy | successful spearman | English |
M | Edel | noble; fancy ring | German |
F | Edelia | always young | Greek |
F | Edeline | noble; kind | English |
F | Edelma | always young | Greek |
F | Eden | delight; garden of first woman | Hebrew |
M | Eden | delight; garden of first woman | Hebrew |
F | Edenema | progress | Estonian |
F | Ederra | beauty | Basque |
F | Edessa | a Macedonian town | Latin |
F | Edga | shield bearer | Greek |
M | Edgard | successful spearman | English |
M | Edgardo | successful spearman | Spanish |
F | Edie | rich gift | English |
F | Edisa | star | Castilian |
M | Edison | son of Edward | English |
F | Edith | rich gift | English |
F | Edlyn | prosperous; noble | English |
M | Edmond | wealthy protector | English |
M | Edmund | wealthy protector | English |
F | Edna | rejuvenation | Hebrew |
F | Edoris | letter E + Doris | American |
F | Edrianna | rich; dark | Greek |
M | Edsel | rich man's house | English |
F | Eduarda | prosperous guardian | English |
M | Eduardo | prosperous guardian | Spanish |
M | Edukas | successful one | Estonian |
M | Edward | prosperous guardian | English |
M | Edwin | prosperous friend | English |
F | Edwina | prosperous friend | English |
Names and Their Meanings - by Alphabet:
Aa - Al | Am - Ax | Ay - Bj | Bk - Bv | Bw - Ch | Ci - Ct | Cu - Df | Dg - Dr | Ds - Ed | Ee - Ep | Eq - Fb | Fc - Fn | Fo - Fz | Ga - Gl | Gm - Gx | Gy - Hj | Hk - Hv | Hw - Ih | Ii - It | Iu - Jf | Jg - Js | Jt - Kc | Kd - Ke | Kf - Ki | Kj - Kz | La - Ld | Le - Lg | Lh - Lz | Ma - Md | Me - Mn | Mo - Mz | Na - Nd | Ne - Nh | Ni - Nt | Nu - Ok | Ol - Or | Os - Oz | Pa - Pd | Pe - Pq | Pr - Qd | Qe - Qz | Ra - Rd | Re - Rn | Ro - Rt | Ru - Rz | Sa - Sd | Se - Sh | Si - Ss | St - Sz | Ta - Td | Te - Ti | Tj - Tz | Ua - Uz | Va - Vi | Vj - Vz | Wa - ZaSponsored Ad:
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