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French Baby Name List

French Baby Name from: EL - MA

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You are looking for Terrific French Baby Name Lists, right?... Well, you have stumbled upon the right website.

Top 100 Baby Names Search was created to provide you with literally thousands of beautiful baby names at your fingertips. Just a mouse "Click Here" away you will find names for boys and girls from around the world. Some will amaze you, others will amuse you. Some of these names will absolutely make it to your short list.

In either case, Top 100 Baby Names Search was designed to aid you in your search for the perfect name for your baby. When I was selecting names for my children I wanted to see names that weren't just the standard "Jennifer", "Katherine" or "Sarah". I wanted to see slightly different names that would help my children to stand out when they went off to school. However, I didn't want them to become the object of teasing...

With that in mind I created a great French Baby Name List below for you to consider. Enjoy.

Click for French Girl Names
Click for French Boy Names
M/F Baby Names French Baby Name Meanings Origin
F Eloise very healthy French
F Emilienne industrious Teutonic
F Emma universal Teutonic
F Emmanuelle God is with us French
M Etalon stallion French
M Etienne crowned with laurels French
F Etiennette crowned with laurels French
F Evonne Yvonne; young archer French
M Fabien bean farmer French
F Fancy whimsical; decorative French
F Fayana fairy; elf French
F Fayette fairy; elf French
F Feélicie lucky French
M Felicien lucky French
F Fifi God will add French
M Filberte very bright and famous French
F Florence blossoming French
M Florentin blossoming French
F Floriane flowering Latin
M Franchot free; from France French
F Francine free; from France French
F Francique free; from France French
F Gabie God is my strength Hebrew
F Gabriele devoted to God French
F Gage promise French
F Galetée white French
F Gallia from Gaul French
M Garland wreath of flowers French
M Geérard brave spearman French
F Geneva juniper tree French
F Geneviéve white wave Celtic
F Genie well-born; noble Greek
M Germain from Germany French
F Germaine sisterhood French
M Gervaise spear servant French
M Gilbert pledge-bright French
M Gilles shield bearer Greek
M Gillett young Gilbert French
M Giraud mighty with the spear Teutonic
M Gregorie vigilant Greek
M Guarin protection; shelter French
M Guifford chubby cheeks French
M Gustave meditation staff French
F Gwenaelle holy generous French
M Hamelet little village French
F Heélène torch or moon French
M Hervé army warrior Teutonic
M Herve battle worthy French
F Holland from the Netherlands French
F Igerne noble; light French
M Ilbert battle-bright French
F Ines gentle; pure Greek
F Iveta young archer French
F Ivon young archer French
M Jacques substitute French
F Jacyline substitute French
F Jaime love; affection French
F Jakqueline substitute French
M Jardan garden French
M Jasmin jasmine flower French
M Jasper ornamental stone French
M Jeérome holy name French
M Jean God is gracious French
M Jeannot God's gracious gift Hebrew
F Jehanne God is gracious French
F Jocelyn substitute Hebrew
M Joel Jehovah is God Hebrew
F Joelle Jehovah is God Hebrew
F Johanne God is gracious French
F Josette God will add French
M Josue God is salvation French
F Julitte youthful French
M Juste fair; just Latin
F Justine fair; just French
F Lainey light French
M Lamon world French
M Lance of the land French
M Laurence of Laurentum French
F Laurene crowned with laurels Latin
M Laurent crowned with laurels Latin
M Lemar famous throughout the land French
M Leocadie lion French
M Leverett young hare French
M Lionel lion French
F Lise consecrated to God Hebrew
F Lourdes from Lourdes, France French
M Lowell little wolf French
M Luc light Latin
F Lucille bringer of light French
M Lucius bringer of light Latin
F Ludivine divine light French
F Madeleine woman of Magdala Hebrew
F Mado woman of Magdala French
M Mantel designer French
F Marais dweller near the marsh French
M Marc warlike Latin
M Marcelon warlike; little warrior French
F Marciane warlike Latin
F Mardi born on Tuesday French
F Marie Chantal Marie + Chantal French

*French Baby Name List - compiled by research & survey

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