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Girls Names That Start With A

Girls Names That Start with A: AN - AZ

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Find a huge list of Girls Names That Start With A... If you are looking for super "A" baby names then you've made it to the right web page...

We have put together hundreds of unique, original, and traditional baby names. Some of these treasures are bound to make it to your short list... Listen, when I was selecting names for my sons I wanted to look at  everything... All nationalities, ethnicities, cultures and more.

So with that spirit in mind, Top 100 Baby Names Search specializes in providing you tons of top girls names that start with A names to browse & so much more!... Enjoy.

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M/F Baby Names Girls Names That Start With A Origin
F Anthea flower Greek
F Antigona distinguished by her brothers Greek
F Antolina flourishing; inestimable Spanish
F Antonia flourishing; inestimable Greek
F Antonique flourishing; inestimable French
F Anu the most ancient God Sumerian
F Anuncia divine messenger Latin
F Anura knowledge Indian
F Anzella Ann + Gazella American
F Apane beautiful red bird Hawaiian
F Aphra young deer Hebrew
F April opening; springtime Latin
F Aquene peaceful Nat. Amer.
F Aquiline hero of the Trojan war Greek
F Ara opinionated Arabic
F Araceli heavenly altar Latin
F Arantzazu are you among the thorns? Basque
F Arbogasta the rich woman Greek
F Archana worship Sanskrit
F Arda bronze Hebrew
F Arden valley of the eagle English
F Ardine valley of the eagle English
F Ardith flowering field Hebrew
F Areil the Lord is my light American
F Arene daughter of Perseus Greek
F Aretha the best choice Greek
F Argelia full of treasures Latin
F Argimon defensive army German
F Ariadna holy Greek
F Arian holy French
F Arianne holy English
F Ariel lioness of God Hebrew
F Ariella lioness of God Hebrew
F Arietta short aria; melody Italian
F Arista best Greek
F Arla farmer German
F Arlena pledge Irish
F Arlinda Ardis + Linda American
F Armanda noble birth Latin
F Armelia hard working American
F Arminda armed warrior German
F Armonda soldier; warrior Latin
F Arnelle eagle German
F Arnina enlightened; messenger Hebrew
F Arqa refined tastes Arabic
F Arsai goddess of the earth Canaanite
F Artemia goddess of the hunt + moon Greek
F Artha wealthy; prosperous Hindi
F Artura noble Celtic
F Arunika sunrise; the light of day Sanskrit
F Aryana holy Italian
F Aryssa best Greek
F Asaase Yaa goddess of barren places Akan
F Ascensción ascension Spanish
F Asgre heart Welsh
F Ashan smoke Hebrew
F Ashenee angel Cree
F Ashika life American
F Ashlea ash tree meadow English
F Ashley ash-tree meadow English
F Ashni a flash of lightening Hindi
F Ashtyn ash-tree settlement English
F Asiah eastern sunrise Greek
F Asja eastern sunrise American
F Aspasia welcome Greek
F Asta more radiant Arabic
F Astra star English
F Asunta to ascend Spanish
F Atalanta mighty huntress Greek
F Atara a crown Hebrew
F Ateitis the future Lithuanian
F Athaliah the Lord is exalted Hebrew
F Atifa compassionate Arabic
F Atira prayer Hebrew
F Atlanta mighty huntress Greek
F Atsa eagle Navajo
F Aubrey blond ruler German
F Auburn reddish brown English
F Audelina noble strength German
F Audreanne Audrey + Ann English
F Audriana Audrey + Anna English
F August born in the eighth Latin
F Aula superior one Swahili
F Aura golden; soft breeze Latin
F Aurelie golden; soft breeze Latin
F Aurquena present Spanish
F Austyn majestic Latin
F Aval garden Ixil Maya
F Averi noble; bear like English
F Aviah the Lord is my God Hebrew
F Avis bird Latin
F Avivah springtime Hebrew
F Avuka torch Hebrew
F Aya bird; fly swiftly Hebrew
F Ayako beautiful silk girl Japanese
F Ayame iris flower Japanese
F Ayanna innocent Hindi
F Ayinhual beloved; darling Mapuche
F Ayla oak tree Hebrew
F Aynkan older sister Indigenous
F Ayodele brings joy with her Yoruba
F Ayoola joy in wealth Yoruba
F Ayunda a dear girl Indonesian
F Azalea shrub growing in dry soil Greek
F Azima determined action Arabic
F Azubah born on Monday Hausa

*Girls Names That Start with A compiled by research & survey

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