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Girl Names Index > Page 3 - Girl Portuguese Names

Girl Portuguese Names

Are you searching for Girl Portuguese Names?... Well, you have certainly come to the right page because listed below are dozens of terrific, cute & interesting baby girl names taken from all over the globe. We at Top 100 Baby Names Search pride ourselves in providing you with a comprehensive baby name website where you can do ALL of your baby name research!...

Your baby's name is our business, AND we take that very seriously! I have three children of my own -- and I can distinctly remember what fun it was to pick out their names and discuss them at length (Okay, ARGUE at length...) about them. I also remember feeling a bit concerned that the names were going to stick for life, so I wanted good ones.

We have tried very hard to provide you just that... GREAT Girl Portuguese Names so much more!... But don't take my word for it. Browse around and decide for yourself. After all this is a very special time in your life!... Enjoy it.

Click here for Portuguese Boy Names...

M/F Girl Portuguese Names Meaning of Name Origin
F Lorena from Laurentum Portug.
F Lucia bringer of light Portug.
F Lucille bringer of light Portug.
F Luisa famous warrior woman Portug.
F Lurdes from Lourdes Portug.
F Luzia bringer of light Portug.
F Lygia shrill whistling voice Portug.
F Márcia warlike Portug.
F Madalena woman from Magdala Portug.
F Mae bitter Portug.
F Manuela God is with us Portug.
F Margarida a pearl Portug.
F Maria bitter Portug.
F Mariana sea of bitterness Portug.
F Marta sea of bitterness Portug.
F Matilde mighty in battle Portug.
F Mel honey Portug.
F Micaela who is like God? Portug.
F Monica advise; counsel Portug.
F Natalia born on Christmas Day Portug.
F Nathalia born on Christmas Day Portug.
F Neves snow Portug.
F Ofélia help Portug.
F Olga holy Portug.
F Olginha holy Portug.
F Olimpia from mount Olympus Portug.
F Olivia olive tree Portug.
F Olivinha olive tree Portug.
F Patricia noble; well-born Portug.
F Paula little Portug.
F Paulina little Portug.
F Pedra rock Portug.
F Priscila ancient Portug.
F Raquel ewe Portug.
F Rebeca one who snares or traps Portug.
F Renata reborn Portug.
F Rita a pearl Portug.
F Roberta of shining fame Portug.
F Rosa rose Portug.
F Rute friendship Portug.
F Safira sapphire Portug.
F Senda path; the way Portug.
F Sonia wisdom Portug.
F Susana lily Portug.
F Suzana lily Portug.
F Telma will of God Portug.
F Teresa harvester Portug.
F Teresinha harvester Portug.
F Tereza harvester Portug.
F Terezinha harvester Portug.
F Tina constant Portug.
F Tindade the Trinity Portug.
F Ursula little she-bear Portug.
F Valéria strong Portug.
F Vera belief; faith Portug.
F Veronica bringer of victory Portug.
F Vidonia vine branch Portug.
F Vitoria to conquer; victory Portug.
F Xuxa lily Portug.
F Zenaide daughter of Greek god Zeus Portug.

*Girl Portuguese Names - compiled by research & survey

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