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Boys Names That Start With C

Boys Names That Start with C: CH - CZ

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When you think of Boys Names That Start With C, certain names may come to mind... Charlie, Chase, and Cassidy -- However, there are so many others that are terrific as well. We have provided you with terrific names, derivatives, as well as some nicknames below.

If you are looking for a baby name that isn't just run-of-the-mill, or a name that every other little boy seems to have, then you've definitely come to the right place. We've got terrific baby names for your beautiful baby girl or boy. When I was looking at names for my children what I wanted most was a comprehensive list of terrific baby names that weren't the usual...

So, at Top 100 Baby Names Search we've tried very hard to provide you just that... Great Boys Names That Start With C & so much more!... But don't take my word for it. Browse around and decide for yourself.

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M/F Baby Names Boys Names That Start With C Origin
M Chicho boy Spanish
M Chik earth Gypsy
M Chiko arrow; pledge Japanese
M Chilo free, from France Spanish
M Chilton farm by the spring English
M Chim bird Viet.
M Chip farmer English
M Chipper Chip; farmer English
M Chiram exalted; noble Hebrew
M Chisisi secret Egyptian
M Chiyo one thousand generations Japanese
M Chowa harmony Japanese
M Chris follower of Christ Greek
M Christian follower of Christ Greek
M Christoph follower of Christ Greek
M Christopher follower of Christ Greek
M Chrys anointed one Greek
M Chrysander golden Greek
M Chucho God is my salvation Hebrew
M Chuck Charles; farmer American
M Chui leopard Swahili
M Chuminga belonging to the Lord Spanish
M Chumo Thomas; twin Spanish
M Churchill church on a hill English
M Ciall understanding Gaelic
M Cian ancient one, enduring Irish
M Ciaran dark; little dark one Irish
M Cibardo strong offering German
M Cicero chickpea Latin
M Cid lord Spanish
M Cidro strong gift Spanish
M Cillian of the church Irish
M Cindeo one who escapes danger Greek
M Cion affectionate one Gaelic
M Cirilo lordly Italian
M Ciro lordly Italian
M Cisco free, from France Spanish
M Citino to act quickly Latin
M Claas victory of the people German
M Clancey red-haired fighter Irish
M Clancy red-haired fighter Irish
M Clare clear, victorious Latin
M Clarence clear; victorious Latin
M Clarencio clear, victorious Latin
M Clark scholar French
M Clateo honored Greek
M Claude lame Latin
M Claus victorious people German
M Clay clay pit English
M Clayborne brook near the clay pit English
M Clayton a town built near clay pit English
M Cleandro glorious man Greek
M Cleary minstrel, scholar Irish
M Cleavon cliff English
M Clem merciful Latin
M Clemence merciful French
M Clement merciful Latin
M Cleo glory of his father Greek
M Cleofas glory of his father Greek
M Cleon famous victory Greek
M Cleonike famous victory Greek
M Cleto he was chosen to fight Greek
M Cletus illustrious Greek
M Cleve land of cliffs English
M Cleveland hilly district English
M Cliff cliff at the river crossing English
M Clifford cliff at the river crossing English
M Clifton town near or on a cliff English
M Clint hilly town English
M Clinton hill town English
M Clive cliff at river crossing English
M Clodio glorious man German
M Clodoveo famous warrior Spanish
M Clooney an intriguing rogue Irish
M Clorindo he who likes the grass Greek
M Clovis famous soldier German
M Cluny meadow Irish
M Clyandra famous man Greek
M Clyde warm; river in Scotland Welsh
M Clyone famous power Greek
M Coby Jacob; supplanter Hebrew
M Cody cushion; comfort English
M Coffie born on Tuesday Ewe
M Coilin little chieftain Irish
M Colby Cole's farm English
M Cole cabbage farmer Latin
M Coleman cabbage farmer Latin
M Colin young cub Irish
M Colm / Colum dove of the church Irish
M Colman little dove Irish
M Colt young horse; frisky English
M Colten Colton; coal town English
M Colton coal town English
M Coman noble Arabic
M Commie born on Saturday Ewe
M Conan swift-footed warrior Irish
M Conchobhar lover of hounds Irish
M Conlaoch highest chief Irish
M Connall great, mighty Irish
M Connor Conan; wise Scottish
M Conor Connor; wise Scottish
M Conrad bold; wise counselor German
M Cooper barrel maker English
M Corbin raven; black bird French
M Corentin he who helps Latin
M Corey hollow Irish
M Cormack son of a raven Irish
M Cornelius cornel tree; horn Greek
M Corradeo bold Italian
M Cortez conqueror; conquistador Spanish
M Cory summit; peak Greek
M Coryphe summit; peak Greek
M Cosan the path; the way Gaelic
M Cosmos order of the universe Greek
M Coty slope, hillside French
M Coujoe born on Monday Ewe
M Courtney of the royal court English
M Craig crag; steep rock Scottish
M Cronan brown, dark-skinned Irish
M Cuan harbor; safety Gaelic
M Cullen handsome Irish
M Curtis enclosure; courteous Latin
M Cydena to honor; glorify Greek
M Cygne swan French
M Cyril lord; master Greek
M Cyrus throne Greek

*Boys Names That Start With C  compiled by research & survey

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Boys Names That Start With C
