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Boys Names That Start With A

Boys Names That Start with A:  AR - AZ

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Do you want Boys Names That Start With A?... Well you've definitely found the right place. We've scoured the net, governmental sources, the library and more, to bring you a comprehensive list of terrific boy and girl names.

Browse the list below. All of our lists are created with you in mind. You want long, easily accessible baby name lists that have tons of truly special baby names and meanings... Right?

Well, we've given you just that - boys names that start with a - and so much more! But don't just take my word for it. Check it out for yourself.

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M/F Baby Names Boys Names That Start With A Origin
M Argyle from Ireland Irish
M Aric ruler German
M Ariel lion of God Hebrew
M Aries ram; first zodiac sign Latin
M Arledge lake with the hares English
M Arley hare's meadow English
M Arlo barberry; fortified hill Spanish
M Armand noble soldier Latin
M Armando bold & hardy man Italian
M Armanno soldier Italian
M Armengol ready for combat German
M Armstrong strong arm English
M Arnaldo eagle power Italian
M Arnette little eagle English
M Arniano lamb; little one Latin
M Arnon rushing river Hebrew
M Aroldo Harold; army leader Italian
M Arran island dweller Scottish
M Arrano eagle Basque
M Arreta to be careful Basque
M Arrigo industrious Italian
M Arrio warlike Spanish
M Art outstanding warrior Irish
M Artemio gift of goddess Artemis Spanish
M Arthur noble; lofty hill English
M Artie noble, lofty hill English
M Artis noble, lofty hill English
M Artur noble Celtic
M Arturo noble, lofty hill Italian
M Arun the sun Cambodian
M Arvid wanderer; eagle tree Hebrew
M Arvin friend of the people German
M Asa morning Japanese
M Ascot eastern cottage English
M Asedio stable Latin
M Ash ash tree Hebrew
M Asher happy; blessed Hebrew
M Ashford ash-tree ford English
M Ashon seventh-born son Swahili
M Ashton ash tree settlement English
M Ashur Islamic month of Ashur Swahili
M Astío one who belongs Latin
M Aston eastern town English
M Atara the crown Hebrew
M Atherton town by a spring English
M Athol one who is from Ireland Scottish
M Atieno guardian of the night Swahili
M Atkins home of the relatives English
M Atley meadow English
M Atsushi cordial; industrious Japanese
M Atticus region outside Athens Latin
M Attilio Attila; little father Italian
M Atwater at the water's edge English
M Atwood at the forest English
M Atworth at the farmstead English
M Aubrey noble; bear like German
M Auburn reddish brown Latin
M Audacto one who is bold Latin
M Audas valiant; bold Latin
M Auden old friend English
M Auden bold one; daring Latin
M Audrey noble strength English
M Audric wise ruler English
M Augurio divine flight of birds Latin
M August Augustine; majestic Latin
M Augustin Augustine; majestic Latin
M Augustine majestic Latin
M Augusto Augustus; venerable Italian
M Augustus magnificent Latin
M Aurélien golden light Latin
M Aurelio Aurelius; golden Italian
M Aurelio Aurelius; golden Latin
M Aureus golden Latin
M Austen Augustine; majestic Latin
M Austin Augustine; majestic Latin
M Averill born in April French
M Avery Aubrey; noble bear English
M Avi God is my father Hebrew
M Avia father God Hebrew
M Avidan my Father is judge Hebrew
M Aviel God is my father Hebrew
M Avishua Father who saves Hebrew
M Aviv springtime Hebrew
M Avuka torch Hebrew
M Axel axe; small oak tree Latin
M Ayinde gave praises and he came Yoruba
M Aylmer noble, famous English
M Aylwin noble friend English
M Ayo happiness Yoruba
M Ayo joy Swahili
M Ayumi history Japanese
M Azái strong Hebrew
M Azadanes strong Hebrew
M Azagba born out of town Benin
M Azas strong Hebrew
M Azima charmed into motion Swahili
M Azizi precious Swahili

*Boys Names that Start With A  compiled by research & survey

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