Boy Names Index > Page 2 - Boys Names Starting With N

Boys Names Starting With N

Boys Names Starting With N: NE - NZ

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Searching for great Boys Names Starting With N?... You have certainly come to the right page! Listed below are dozens of terrific, cute & interesting baby names taken from all over the globe. We at Top 100 Baby Names Search pride ourselves in providing you with a comprehensive baby name website where you can do ALL of your baby name research!...

Listen... Your baby's name is our business, AND we take that very seriously! All of our lists are created with you in mind. You want long, easily accessible baby name lists that have tons of truly special names and meanings on them.

We at Top 100 Baby Names Search have tried very hard to provide you just that... GREAT boys names starting with N!... But don't take my word for it. Browse around and decide for yourself. After all this is a very special time in your life!... Enjoy it.

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M/F Baby Names Boys Names Starting With N Origin
M Nevan holy Irish
M Neville the new town French
M Nevin worshipper of the saint Gaelic
M Newbold new tree English
M Newell new hall English
M Newland new land English
M Newlin new lake Welsh
M Newman newcomer English
M Newton new town English
M Niall champion Irish
M Nibal arrows Arabic
M Nibras lamp, light Arabic
M Nicéforo he who brings victory Greek
M Nicandro he who is victorious Greek
M Nicasio the victorious one Greek
M Nicco victorious people Greek
M Niccolo victorious people Italian
M Niceas he of the great victory Greek
M Nicetas victorious Greek
M Nicho follower of the god of wine Spanish
M Nicholas victory of the people Greek
M Nicholaus victorious people Greek
M Nicholes son of Nicholas English
M Nicholson son of Nicholas English
M Nick victorious people English
M Nicky victorious people Greek
M Nicodemo conqueror of the people Greek
M Nicodemus conqueror of the people Greek
M Nicolas victorious people Greek
M Nicolas victorious people Italian
M Nicomedes prepares the victories Greek
M Nicostrato general who leads to victory Greek
M Nidal struggle Arabic
M Niels champion Danish
M Nigel dark night Latin
M Niguel champion Spanish
M Nijad tall, dominant Arabic
M Nijuga rain man Winnebago
M Nika ferocious Yoruba
M Nike victorious Greek
M Nikeon triumphant victor Greek
M Nikitas victory Greek
M Nikki victorious people Hungarian
M Nikko sunshine Japanese
M Nikola victorious people Greek
M Nikolaos victorious people Greek
M Nikolas victory of the people Greek
M Nila blue Hindu
M Nile champion English
M Niles son of Neil English
M Nima blessing Hebrew
M Nimr tiger Arabic
M Nimrod rebel of the cause Hebrew
M Nino young child Spanish
M Niriel field of the Lord Hebrew
M Nirmala pure Hindu
M Nissan sign, omen; miracle Hebrew
M Nitgardo maintains combative fire German
M Nixon son of Nick English
M Nizam leader; discipliner Arabic
M Nizar old Arabic name Arabic
M Nkosi rule Egyptian
M N'namdi father's name lives on Ibo
M Noé quiet, peaceful Hebrew
M Noël day of Christ's birth French
M Noa peace, restful French
M Noah peaceful, restful Hebrew
M Noaj a rest Hebrew
M Noam sweet friend; kind man Hebrew
M Noberto brilliant hero Spanish
M Noble born to nobility Latin
M Noboru ascend; climb Japanese
M Nobu faith Japanese
M Nobuo faithful man Japanese
M Nobuyuki faithful happiness Japanese
M Noe peace, restful French
M Noel born on Christmas day French
M Noelino born on Christmas day Spanish
M Nolan famous nobleman Irish
M Nolascu forgets about promises Hebrew
M Nolen famous, noble Irish
M Nollaig born on Christmas day Irish
M Nollie olive tree Latin
M Nomeus shepherd Greek
M Nono ninth-born child Latin
M Noori fire; shining bright Arabic
M Norberto brilliant hero Spanish
M Nori good Japanese
M Norio man of principles Japanese
M Norman man from Norway French
M Normando man of the north Spanish
M Norris Norman's house French
M Northcliff northern cliff English
M Northrop north farm English
M Norton northern town English
M Norville northern town French
M Norvin friend from the north English
M Norward protector of the north English
M Norwood northern woods English
M Nostriano is from our homeland Latin
M Nouel almond French
M Nowles grassy slope English
M Numen divine will Latin
M Nuncio messenger Italian
M Nuri my fire Hebrew
M Nuriel fire of the Lord Hebrew
M Nuru born in daylight Swahili
M Nye dark night English
M Nyle island English
M Nyo star Swahili

*Boys Names Starting with N  compiled by research & survey

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Boys Names Starting With N
