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Boy Names Starting With J

Boy Names Starting with J: JE - JZ

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   Below are terrific Boy Names Starting With J. You will find that we at Top 100 Baby Names Search have striven very hard to provide you with a variety of names from which to choose.

We intimately understand that your baby deserves the very best. AND we have give you just that. But as always we encourage you to discover for yourself our wide selection of world, ethnic, and entertaining baby names lists...

Go ahead and check us out.  We've got boy names starting with j and all the letters of the alphabet!!

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M/F Baby Names Boy Names Starting With J Origin
M Jeffery divinely peaceful English
M Jeffrey divinely peaceful English
M Jehan God is gracious French
M Jehu God lives Hebrew
M Jem supplanter English
M Jemal handsome Arabic
M Jemond worldly life French
M Jenaro born in January Latin
M Jenkin little John Fleming
M Jennifer white wave Welsh
M Jenofonte eloquent foreigner Greek
M Jerardo brave spearman Spanish
M Jered descending Hebrew
M Jeremiah God will uplift Hebrew
M Jeremias God will uplift Hebrew
M Jeremiel God uplifts me Hebrew
M Jeremy God will uplift English
M Jeriah Jehovah has seen Hebrew
M Jericho city of the moon Arabic
M Jerick city of the moon Arabic
M Jermaine from Germany French
M Jermal handsome Arabic
M Jerome holy Latin
M Jeromy holy Latin
M Jeron holy English
M Jeronimo holy Greek
M Jerret brave spearman Hebrew
M Jerry mighty spearman German
M Jervis honorable English
M Jesé riches Hebrew
M Jeshua God is my salvation Hebrew
M Jess wealthy Hebrew
M Jesse wealthy Hebrew
M Jessie wealthy Hebrew
M Jestin just; righteous Welsh
M Jesualdo takes the lead German
M Jesus God is my salvation Hebrew
M Jethro abundant Hebrew
M Jett black mineral English
M Jeven son of Japheth Hebrew
M Jhazala gazelle Arabic
M Jibben life Gypsy
M Jibran old Arabic name Arabic
M Jibril archangel of Allah Arabic
M Jihad struggle; holy war Arabic
M Jilt money Dutch
M Jim supplanter English
M Jimbo supplanter American
M Jimell handsome Arabic
M Jimeno He heard Spanish
M Jimmie supplanter English
M Jin jewel; truth Korean
M Jinan garden Arabic
M Jinhai golden sea Chinese
M Jinjing gold mirror Chinese
M Jiro second-born son Japanese
M Jo God will add Hebrew
M Joab God is father Hebrew
M Joachim God will establish Hebrew
M Joaquín God will establish Spanish
M Job afflicted Hebrew
M Joben enjoys cleanliness Japanese
M Jobo God will add Spanish
M Joby afflicted one Hebrew
M Jocelyn joyous Latin
M Jock devoted sportsman American
M Jocquez supplanter French
M Jocundo pleasant; festive Latin
M Jodan Jo + Dan Hebrew
M Jody God will add Hebrew
M Joe God will add Hebrew
M Joel God is willing Hebrew
M Joey God will add Hebrew
M Johann God is gracious German
M Johannes God is gracious German
M John God is gracious Hebrew
M Johnnie God is gracious Hebrew
M Johnson son of John English
M Joji farmer Japanese
M Jon gift of God Hebrew
M Jonah dove Hebrew
M Jonam God gave Greek
M Jonas he accomplishes Hebrew
M Jonatan gift of God Hebrew
M Jonathan gift of God Hebrew
M Jones son of John Welsh
M Joo jewel Korean
M Joop God will add Dutch
M Joost just; righteous Dutch
M Joquin God will establish Spanish
M Jora teacher Hebrew
M Joram Jehovah is exalted Hebrew
M Jordan descending Hebrew
M Jorden descending Hebrew
M Jordie descending Hebrew
M Jorell He saves American
M Jorey descending Hebrew
M Jörg farmer German
M Jorgeluis Jorge + Luis Spanish
M Jörn vigilant watchman German
M Jory descending Hebrew
M José God will add Spanish
M Josafat God's judgment Hebrew
M Jose God will add Spanish
M Josealfredo Jose + Alfredo Spanish
M Joseantonio Jose + Antonio Spanish
M Josef God will add German
M Josemanuel Jose + Manuel Spanish
M Joseph God will increase Hebrew
M Josh God is my salvation English
M Joshua God is my salvation Hebrew
M Josiah fire of the Lord Hebrew
M Josias fire of the Lord Hebrew
M Josué God is my salvation Spanish
M Jotham may God complete Hebrew
M Joud generous Arabic
M Jovan of the god Jupiter (Jove) Latin
M Jovanni of the god Jupiter (Jove) Latin
M Juan God is gracious Spanish
M Juanjose Juan + Jose Spanish
M Juaquin God will establish Spanish
M Jubair old Arabic name Arabic
M Jubal horn of a ram; tough Hebrew
M Jucundo happy; joyous one Latin
M Judah praised Hebrew
M Judas praised Latin
M Judd praised Hebrew
M Jude praised Hebrew
M Judson son of Judd English
M Juhann God is gracious Finnish
M Jul resolution; firm will Arabic
M Julían youthful Spanish
M Jules youthful French
M Julian youthful Greek
M Juliano youthful Spanish
M Julien youthful Latin
M Julio youthful Spanish
M Julius youthful Greek
M Jullian youthful Greek
M Jumah born on Friday Arabic
M Jun truthful; obedient Chinese
M Junaid young fighter Arabic
M Junior young Latin
M Junjie handsome and outstanding Chinese
M Jurrien God will uplift Dutch
M Justan just; righteous Latin
M Justice just; righteous Latin
M Justin just; righteous Latin
M Justino just; righteous Spanish
M Justis just; righteous French
M Justus just; righteous French
M Juven represents youth Latin
M Juvenal represents youth Latin
M Juwain sibling Arabic

*Boy Names Starting with J  compiled by research & survey

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