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Imagine a cool tower of flowers, and ribbons accented with cloth diapers,
baby powder, and diaper rash cream... That’s right! You are imagining a
diaper centerpiece... Don't be confused. It isn't edible. The fun part is these
"pastries" are filled with everything a new mommy will need for her baby.
Some diaper towers are filled with unique baby toys and accessories, some are set on silver
scalloped cake platters elegantly beribboned with fanciful dyed tulle satin bows... NO MATTER
what your party's theme happens to be, these creative masterpieces are guaranteed to be
terrific conversation starters.
In partnership with Amazon.com, Top 100 Baby Names Search has carefully chosen an wide selection of
diaper bags, stackers & other great products which will make stylish and infinitely practical gifts for
the new mom in your life.
The Baby Gift Shop